O Funduszach Europejskich

O Funduszach Europejskich

What are European Funds?

The European Union is a community of countries at different levels of development and facing many different challenges. Many of these challenges are common to all EU countries. Thanks to the European Funds, the competitiveness of the economies of the Member States is strengthened, the fight against unemployment is undertaken, and actions are implemented that help in the development of poorer regions.

The European Union, as an international organization, has its own budget from which activities aimed at solving common problems are financed. With a single budget, tackling challenges is cheaper and more effective than if each Member State were to tackle them alone. In this way, for over 40 years the Union has been implementing an active regional development policy, also known as cohesion policy or structural policy.


Affiliate Agreement

The basic document defining the cooperation between the EU and Poland is the Partnership Agreement (PA). This is a strategy for the use of European Funds agreed with the European Commission.

The main objective of the European Funds is to reduce the differences in the development of countries and regions, which increases the competitiveness of the Member States and the Union itself on the global market

Skąd się biorą pieniądze?

What the European Union allocates funds for is closely related to its development strategy. Currently, it is specified in the Europe 2020 document. A detailed plan for spending EU funds, called the Multiannual Financial Framework, is defined at least once every 5 years, and in practice every seven years.

Na co Unia Europejska je przeznacza?

The budget of the European Union is mainly made up of revenue coming from the Member States. Currently, the Union’s budget amounts to approximately 1% of the Union’s gross national income. Annual budgets are set within the limits set by the long-term financial plan, also known as the financial perspective of the European Union. Thanks to this, expenses are incurred in a predictable manner.

Poznaj programy, które realizują te cele

To implement the Partnership Agreement, we need national and regional programmes.
They define priority areas of support and set specific actions

Fundusze Europejskie dla Nowoczesnej Gospodarki (FENG)

Fundusze Europejskie dla Nowoczesnej Gospodarki (FENG)

Fundusze Europejskie dla Rozwoju Społecznego 2021-2027 (FERS)

Fundusze Europejskie dla Rozwoju Społecznego 2021-2027 (FERS)

Poradniki programów regionalnych

Poradniki programów regionalnych
Wybierz i kliknij województwo na mapie, w celu wyfiltrowania Rzecznika Funduszy Europejskich w poszczególnym regionie

Programy Interreg

European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), otherwise known as Interreg, is part of the European Union's cohesion policy. Its task is to solve problems that transcend national borders and require joint action. ETC also enables the development of socio-economically diverse areas.


Fundusze w liczbach

  • 32 mld zł

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  • 4 mld zł

    4 mld zł na aktywizację zawodową

  • 74 mld zł

    74 mld zł na poprawę sytuacji w domu

  • 23 mld zł

    23 mld zł na aktywizację zawodową

  • 32 mld zł

    32 mld zł na szkolenia

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